All changes in this version
New features
- Export certificates of successful completion of training for everybody enrolled on the term at once
- Insert the company logo into the document via merge fields
- Export a process table where subprocesses are replaced with their tasks
- Export FMEA analysis
- Complement the risks in the process with the missing boxes according to the FMEA analysis
- Export process control plan
- Complete the process printout to PDF with features and devices/tools (as in the process table)
- On my page I would like to see active projects where I participate
- It should be possible to keep the code when changing the type
- When adding links to other approaches/results, add a criteria code before the title
- DNA Integration – MiTeam
- When selecting people in the application change tool filters, their workplace should also be shown
- Export only header of FMEA analysis and control plan
- For technological process, links in the process export should only be exported as document codes
- It should be possible to declare an existing technological process as a variaton of another technological process
- Change the arrows in the direction of the record so that they are in the sequence – & gt; record – & gt;
- When selecting executors (e.g. executors on process tasks, etc.) it should also be possible to select org. unit
- Fields for the certificate of education (internal, skill category …) must be hidden on the medical examination certificate
- List the org. unit name for the & quot; workplace in the unit & quot;
- The person responsible’s and co-owner’s workplace can also be printed in the document
- I would like to see in the list whether a record has attachments (templates, records, document types)
- You can delete an incorrect participant entry directly from the session
- The technological process of version 1 can be changed to the next version of any other document
- Display help text for risk impact assessment
- Main process risk assessments should also be displayed on process variations
- System Tool – Add executor to document familiarisation
- Display a visual label when a version of a process is outdated (the main process was published later than the variation)
- Option to select process task characteristics
- On a task, make it possible to select the location where the task is being executed
- Form for adding a new variation of a process (you can select an existing version from which all properties are copied)
- It should be possible to choose on the process whether the process has a variation
- When adding features to a task, make it possible to quickly add missing records to code list
- Separate technological processes from other processes in the navigation menu
- Main dashboard should consist of three columns
- When exporting a process, each task should be broken across multiple pages only if it is too large to fit on one page
- It should be possible to create a new risk when editing a process task
- The actions/meetings/documents of the company should also include those that are part of a project of the selected company
- On a session, application statuses should vary by color
- Export control plan and FMEA analysis with all tasks from subprocesses
Bug fixes
- I can’t select a time before 6:00 AM
- When exporting, if the process is very long, it gets cut off
- When renaming a task in the code list, the old name is still visible when opening the diagram