NETS Excellence - Statements
Statements from the EFQM self-assessment workshop.

An interesting structure of criteria that requires a different way of thinking about the company's position in the environment and the perception of stakeholders. In real business, we do not ask ourselves such questions. Within the workshop, we came up with some useful suggestions for improving the operation of the company. It was interesting to listen to companies from other industries and their views on ecosystems and a comparison with ours.

I am very pleased with the workshop, which allowed me to learn about new approaches to the development and improved functioning of the organization. The workshop was conducted at a high level.
The workshop ran smoothly and intensively. Due to the way it was implemented, it was easy to follow all the contents and develop a good understanding of the whole process. I learned to understand in a structured way the functioning of the organization and the importance of monitoring internal relationships, relationships with stakeholders and their relationship to the organization, the impact of the organization on the wider environment and vice versa. Because of this, I would recommend the workshop to other companies as well. The workshop helps refreshs the knowledge atendees acquire through work, helps to structure the already acquired knowledge and acquire new views and approaches to identifying opportunities for further improvement of the company's operations.

The workshop opened my horizons.

The key element of the development and growth of any company is the continuous investment in programs that upgrade the knowledge of all team members. Since it is difficult to find time due to many daily business challenges, I believe that innovative programs - such as this workshop - are an effective, interesting and useful way of acquiring new knowledge and skills. Above all, we have learned that the various existing activities we carry out need to be set more comprehensively through strategy and processes. In addition, we identified the necessary improvements in the organizational structure and approaches we use.

The workshop was well prepared and executed. The mentor was available at all times and was very helpful.
The workshop presented a tool that can be of great help in the trend of rapid change in all environments of organizations.

Excellent performance and good work of all lecturers and mentors.

The workshop brings a refreshing look at the comprehensiveness of the operation of each organization. It is also very useful for me from the point of view of a management systems evaluator. Attending the workshop strengthened my faith in the usefulness of management system models, and I learned some good practices - both from the ex-department and from the participating representatives of the organizations. I would recommend attending the workshop especially to organizations that have already implemented a management system or are already at a high maturity level and want to make the next strategic shift in the integrity of strategic planning and demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency of operations.

A very welcome workshop for challenges that await us in the future and I believe that we will successfully implement the newly acquired knowledge in the development of our company's organization.
I would recommend this workshop to anyone who is considering improving their way of doing business and the organization itself, as the EFQM model offers many useful aspects and the right approaches to solutions to achieve business excellence.

The workshop was very educational, the team of mentors and lecturers was professional and excellent, and the workshop was very professional. The workshop was very informative, in some areas it opened our eyes a bit as we thought about the material. We thought of quite a few suggestions for improvements for our organization, and we will do our best to implement them. The team of mentors and lecturers was professional and excellent, and the workshop as a whole was very professional. I would suggest the workshop to any company.

Content was as expected. Given the time available, the contents are well presented, although they are quite general. Personally, I would be happy for more in-depth information on individual topics, but the choice of balance between the lectures and the participants' own work seems to me to be correct. It is also good that there were different lecturers.
One of the most useful insights seemed to me to be the aspect of employees as stakeholders and that the relationship between the company and employees, the local community, the municipality, and other stakeholders must be two-way.

A useful workshop where you go through the entire business and activities of the organization and you get the least a rough insight into its operation. Based on this insight, you then also design many constructive measures that can help improve the business. The added value of the workshop is that you can share good practices and experiences with other participants and together create a great solution that you yourself might never have.
What is new to me is, of course, the model / evaluation process itself, which goes thoroughly and systematically through practically all the activities of the organization. This is definitely a very useful tool - if nothing else, you can at least further confirm that you are doing things in the organization right; however, you are more likely to find additional opportunities for improvement. A great added value is definitely the exchange of experiences and good practices with other participants of the workshop - this is actually invaluable.

The workshop was well done. it was good that the participants were actively involved. I especially appreciated gaining a view of what needs to be improved in the company, what needs to be changed. I recommend to other companies to identify where they are as a company according to the EFQM model.

An exceptional opportunity to learn about new approaches and views in the operation of the company on the path to excellence. I liked finding out what is important for a company and focus on the soft part of the business and not just the financial.

Definitely useful. A comprehensive, cohesive approach - from the UN Millennium Development Goals to the ecosystem of individual business units. The model integrates the knowledge that softer content also contributes to financial results: trust, loyalty, care for the environment and resources, social responsibility. The model is close to my personal values.

Very positive. You take the time to think about the company itself and the work in it. I found out that we have and use several tools, and that we actually have more procedures in place that we actually use on a daily basis than I originally thought. I would recommend the workshop mainly for the sake of reflection and insight into the operation of your company. We do not usually take enough time for these matters.

Great workshop. You look at the company from the outside, new areas emerge where you can improve. Different participants, different activities, but all with the same goal - to get better. Great energy to introduce innovations in the company.

The workshop fully met my expectations. Through the discussion, we came to information that will be crucial for the implementation of changes in the company and the introduction of management models. The workshop gave us quite a few answers to the challenges we face after 28 years of d business. Self-assessment is an instrument / lever that will make it easier to evaluate the adequacy of the indicators that we identified during the workshop among the suggestions for improvement.

Very well-structured workshop. Lecturers and consultants with practical experience, which is definitely a great advantage in the transfer of knowledge, which in this case derives from actual business environments and experiences. I would especially recommend the workshop to companies and the management of companies undertaking the introduction of business excellence, mainly because I am aware from past work experience that in many places excellence is talked about and promoted, but in practice things are implemented completely differently and, contrary to what we had the opportunity to learn in the workshop. The essential thoughts that accompany me after the workshop are these; that it is necessary to be persistent, to have the will and to be specific in introducing excellence in companies, and above all to turn nice words into specific actions. Excellence needs to start with you.

Great organization, useful content, a lot of new ideas. I will definitely recommend it to related companies in the industry. We learned a lot of new things and set ourselves new challenges to grow the quality and visibility of the company in our industry.

The workshop was excellently managed and I am satisfied with the acquired knowledge.
The workshop gave us an excellent overview of the current state of the company and the environment in which we work, as well as a look into the future. It was an opportunity to reflect and gather ideas for an upgrade.

Through questions, the workshop clearly showed us what we need to change in the organization regarding the management of the company, how important trends are, the participation of our stakeholders... The workshop is a practical tool for any company that wants to follow trends, develop itself, consider its stakeholders, and its environment, to develop and grow.
In the workshop, I really liked the tools we were working with. The end result is a document with which we can review the current situation in the company and determine the necessary steps for the future.

The workshop revealed to me completely new views of our company, on the possibilities of development and the introduction of new business practices.
I would definitely recommend the workshop to any company, as it provides you with a comprehensive view of the company's operations, its involvement in society and social events. The workshops open up new insights and new ideas on what changes would be recommended to introduce in the company and how.

The workshop gave the participants the possibility of in-depth and expanded (holistic) thinking about their own organization, a broader view of the possibility of further improvements and the importance of sustainable development. The acquired knowledge enables the possibility of further development of our organization.
Above all, the workshop gave me an insight into the way we operate and the awareness of the importance of stakeholder involvement. I would recommend the workshop to companies mainly from the point of view of awareness of their own organization in relation to the environment and sustainable development.

The content is very good because it broadens your business horizons and reminds you of areas with which we do not deal enough or not at all. It is very good because we hear practical examples from other companies. Organization was good as we stuck to the schedule. The topic was good because it gave me new knowledge and insight into the entire business of our company. I would recommend it to others because it offers a broad overview of a company’s assessment with practical examples and most importantly with a final product - a document which will be used as a roadmap for improvements.

With the help of the workshop, we can check the current situation in our organization, set new goals for improvement, and build in areas where we are already successful and competitive, and prepare for new challenges and changes. The workshop was very interesting and useful for our work. I would also recommend attending the workshops to other companies, as it can help them achieve faster and more efficient development, and become and remain competitive with other companies and are constantly improving.

Excellent content, I gained a lot of practical knowledge. We made a relevant assessment of the state of implementation of the new EFQM model in Dom dr. Janka Benedika, which is a starting point for the successful implementation of the requirements of the EFQM model and the preparation of the application for the PRSPO.
Excellent, very useful, I recommend to others.

The workshop was very useful and I am glad to have attended it. It was very instructive and forces you to delve deeper into the matter. I would definitely recommend the workshop to other businesspeople, as it can be very useful for them, it is definitely a good guide to where their company is and in which direction it is going. Many indicators help you with this.

The workshop was organized at a high level, in a relaxed atmosphere. I got a complete picture of how the company / enterprise should be organized. I would recommend the workshop to companies that want to raise their level of business.

The implementation of the workshop was excellent, considering the schedule. The workshop covered topics with the support of the DNA program helps us get to know our organisation and work in a structured way. What I have learned will help me improve my own work, the work of the department, as part of the system. Participation would also be useful to other stakeholders in the organisation to gain knowledge in the field of business excellence, as a tool for evaluating and improving work in the organisation.

Nets provided a good execution of the workshop, the excellent experts who lead it and supported the content with examples from practice. It means a lot that the participants were able to exchange experiences, opinions, ideas and thus were even more productive in creating measures - suggestions for improvements in their companies.

The content of the workshop and the presented approaches, including practical examples from the business world, offered a new and fresh look at the fact how important it is for a company/organisation to be constantly aware of the impact of the environment, stakeholders on its existence and operation.

With the workshop, I gained an even better insight into the operation of the organisation in which I work. In addition, I also gained a lot of useful information for other areas.

We learned about the purpose and vision of the new EFQM model (emphasis on sustainability, ecosystems), its changes, key concepts behind the changes, innovations and also got acquainted with the EFQM tool (RADAR), and had the opportunity to test this assessment. Thus, through approaches, we delved into the operations of our companies, the goal of which is their assessment and suggestions for improvements. The workshop was carried out with the professional help of mentors, and is also suitable in organisational terms.

Through the workshop, I gained insight into an additional aspect of monitoring the company, and discovered opportunities for improvement.

At the workshop, I gained a systematic overview of the necessary elements for long-term success, as well as concrete ideas on how to improve the organisation.

I liked the way it was carried out. The days spent in these workshops were very active, varied and interesting. The lecturers explained the essence of the model in a very attractive way. I am very pleased that they also provided us with the help of mentors who showed the right guidelines in performing a self-assessment.

I am very pleased with the implementation of the workshop. By attending the workshop, I gained a broader insight and a better understanding of how a company works. The lecturers presented the content clearly, professionally and supported it by practical examples, which I liked the most. The mentors are highly trained and were willing to help, they were available at any time of the day, even on weekends. They were all very kind, available for all clarifications, material and expert advice. I highly recommend it to everyone.

The workshop was instructive, intensive, with an open exchange of experience of various organisations and companies that have implemented approaches to quality and excellence at various levels. At the workshop, I gained a holistic view—to see everything, to build on the good—for excellence! From vision, to results. Set challenges out of the opportunity—step by step and not too many at once.

The workshop is really great. We are at the beginning of a beautiful road, with a lot of content. We got directions for the right direction.

Very well prepared materials, implementation and the possibility of drafting a framework self-assessment according to the new EFQM 2020 model.

Peter Drucker said: “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” At the workshops, I found a new motivation to introduce change and to look for new opportunities for improvement. I realised that if I change my mindset so that I can respond to the changes we are witnessing in the current turbulent times, then I will be able to share this commitment with employees who are key stakeholders in the organisation. We have learned to think about what changes we can perceive as beneficial, how we can implement them in the organisation with the help of the EFQM model, where are all the opportunities that will be beneficial for the whole of society. The entire Nets team led the workshops excellently, at the highest level.

A very well designed concept and implementation of workshops and, of course, competent mentors with many years of practical experience.

The lecturers put a lot of energy and effort into the workshop itself, unfortunately due to illness I was not present at the 3rd and 4th live workshops. Given that I do not primarily encounter this area in my work, it was very interesting for me to try to think about doing business through the eyes of the EFQM model. I got a lot of hints to think about the necessary process control and a lot of ideas about the necessary introduction of additional controls...

The workshop opens a broader view of the company's key indicators, with an emphasis on development strategies. Very good execution and excellent mentors. They constantly point out the essence of innovative management and achieving set goals. I will be happy to recommend the workshop to my colleagues.

The workshop gave me a new insight into using the model. Everyone involved in the implementation of this workshop performs their task enthusiastically and professionally. It was their convincing approach and commitment to quality knowledge that gave the workshop a special character. Exceptional commitment and guidance at work is a great contribution to the quality of acquired knowledge, which can be very useful in further work. Thank you all for your efforts, encouragement and knowledge.

The implementation of the workshop is very systematically managed and enables the organisation to make a self-assessment according to the new EFQM model of excellence in a very short time. The biggest added value of the workshop for the organisation is the final report, which shows in which areas it is good and how quickly it responds to changes in the environment. The NETS application is very helpful, without which self-assessment and production of the final report would be much more difficult, with more time spent, which is essential in today's fast pace of change.

I can describe the workshop in superlatives. There was a lot of knowledge transfer, the model was very well explained, all the lecturers were well prepared and connected to the practice. The developed tool for preparing the assessment is very helpful. Mr and Mrs Gunčar were very well organised, quickly adapted to the changed circumstances (on the third day, part of the group was in the lecture hall, and part worked through teams), and everything had to be coordinated. Model explanation material for grade A.

I found the workshop very useful personally, as I was able to learn a lot of new practices and new skills. New knowledge and mutual exchange of opinions is the added value of such workshops.

The workshop requires the intensive involvement of participants, as it is necessary to prepare a self-assessment of your own organisation in a very short time. At the same time, this is also the biggest advantage of the workshop, as the organisation gets a good document design, which can be used to good effect in managing business excellence.

The workshop is perfectly organised and executed. I would also commend the agility of the organiser.