NETS EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATES are based on the cooperation of NETS as an EFQM partner organisation according to the new model, holders of a licence for training and consulting in Slovenia in cooperation with SPIRIT Slovenia, public agency.
BASIC level
The level of assessment is suitable for any organisation that is approaching self-assessment according to the EFQM 2020 model for the first time, as well as for organisations that have prepared their self-assessment according to the old EFQM model. The objective is for the organisation to define its approaches under each guideline (23 guidelines) and the results under each guideline (2 guidelines) through the revised EFQM model. The organisation shall evaluate its approaches and results under each guideline and identify its opportunities for improvement. It makes sense for several organisations to participate in the workshops at the same time, exchanging their good practices with each other during the workshops. By doing so, they learn from each other. The responses of the participants so far have been extremely positive (more on the link). The product of self-assessment according to EFQM is a management document of the organisation, which is automatically created in the IT application DNA EQMS after the completed workshops: approaches and results according to criteria, opportunities for improvement and finally numerical assessment. With this document, the organisation can make suggestions for improvement and thus measures for the plan for the next planning period.
"CERTIFICATE BASIC" was awarded to the following organizations:
- Vodovod - Kanalizacija javno podjetje, d.o.o.
- Poclain Hydraulics d.o.o.
- Kemofarmacija d.d
- Precisium d.o.o
- B&B d.o.o.
- Brce d.o.o.
- MORS logistika
- Dom upokojencev Idrija, d. o. o.
- Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport
- UE Ljutomer
- UE Radovljica
- ECE d. o. o.
- Elektro Gorenjska, d. d.
- ETRA d. o. o.
- DARS d. d.
- Zdravstveni dom Ljubljana
- AMZS d. d.
- Bolnišnica Novo mesto
- Dom dr. Janka Benedika Radovljica
- Vilboss d.o.o.
- Deos d.o.o.
- Fining d.o.o.
- Incom d.o.o.
- Klemen transport, Klemen Piškur s.p.
- Dom starejših občanov Krško
- Labena d.o.o.
- Enertec d.o.o.
- JKP Žalec, d.o.o.
- Ministrstvo za pravosodje
- DS MERITVE, d.o.o.
- Gostol TST d.d.
- Mlekarna Celeia, d.o.o.
- Uni&forma d.o.o.
- HBOT d.o.o.