Simplexity – Creativity and Innovation
Using Simplexity system increased efficiency of methods such as six sigma and lean by more than 50%. Simplexity is not just about generating new ideas (innovation), but also about their realization. This system should become a part of our work today, tomorrow, and the day after that - all in order to gain and retain competitive advantage.

Coordinated integration
The power of Simplex system lies in its connection ability, creative problem solving process and style (Profile) of employees.
The ability
Creative and analytical thinking (to know when to use them and to know to not mix them with each other).

The process
Creative problem solving (includes three phases and mainly differs from the already known methods by actively seeking and defining new problems and challenges, and a large percentage of those being realized).
Styles (Profiles) of employees who work together to find innovative solutions. The most effective groups are those that combine all four basic profiles.

Everyone has their own combination of creative styles.
All four sections are equally important to the process of creative problem solving.
Create opportunities in the form of a series of new problems and opportunities.
Facilitator (Conceptualizer)
Creates possibilities in understanding the problems and opportunities and good ideas for solving them.
Creates opportunities in translating ideas into practical solutions and establishing an effective plan for introduction of solutions.
Contractor (Implementer)
Create opportunities in the form of actions that give a result and get the other to implement change or new ideas.