Assessment Recognize for Excellence (R4E) by the 2005+ approach

This time Uroš Gunčar was in the European team of assessors who conducted the assessment Recognize for Excellence (R4E) by the 2005 + approach. Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic (MF SR). MF SR had embarked on the path of excellence since 2003 and is an example for other government institutions in Slovakia and also in Europe. They are so called pioneers in the introduction of innovations in the public sector in many areas.

2005 + approach requires more training of assessors to the classic approach. The role is shorter and approaches are only listed (sometimes described briefly). Therefore, the evaluators learn about the organization through a visit to the site and develop strengths and opportunities for improvement. In this situation, the role to them is only partially helpful. They must rely on their ability to recognize the key things in the organization. Good preparation for the visit and well-guided interviews are the basis for a successfully conducted assessment.

The rating is a trade secret of the Ministry, but I should emphasize an extremely successful management of the Ministry, which can be felt at all levels.
