In October 2012, mag. Uroš Gunčar hass attended EFQM training for EFQM trainers by a renewed model of EFQM 2013.
The training was in the first round intended only for representatives of partners of EFQM in Brussels. The emphasis was on the novelties brought by the EFQM model 2013 and how they are entered in the workshops, where assessors are being trained by the EFQM
For the new 2013 EFQM model, we could say that according to the EFQM 2010 it is evolutionary, not revolutionary. Given the crisis it places great emphasis on sustainable development, future talent and strategic approach to risk management.
The main novelties are the updated basic principles, criteria themselves, simplifying the evaluation matrix, the greater weight for the appropriateness or reasonableness of approach and scope of the results. All together in support of greater model efficiency.
Now mag. Uroš Gunčar is one of the two in whole Slovenia, that has a renewed license for EAT (training of assessors by the new EFQM Model 2013) and is also listed in the new base of EFQM trainers.