The software application DNA has been in production since July 2014, the
training for use was carried out and we promised that it would help us with our
daily work. That we will competently manage needed changes in an efficient and
transparent manner. So that we will inform ourselves about major issues and
strengthen mutual cooperation. At the beginning we believed, we worked
courageously, consistently and professionally, and now after the adoption of the
strategy development we also want and we can. And what lies in our “DNA”?
Planning – Objectives define the way
In the DNA Folder Plans you can find business plan for the current year and
planned objectives for quality by processes, which are monitored on an annual
basis, by those who are responsible for the processes. Every employee with his
work is involved in achieving this goal and contributes significantly to the
successful realization. In the development of the strategy, we agreed on some
new goals that will have to be reasonably added to the quality objectives for the
year 2015.
The Implementation – Work as we agreed
In the DNA Folder Instructions, Procedures, Regulations, Rules, etc. are logically
arranged, all the documents describing the organization, work procedures,
responsibilities and jurisdictions. The essential information is also Owner of the
document (responsible for carrying out the work process) and the Custodian of
the document (responsible for updating the document). Let’s look at the existing
documents more detailed, and give us your proposals for changes in the parts
that are not consistent with the facts. In all three laboratories (Laboratory for
fuel, Laboratory for heat meters and the Laboratory for gas meters) due to
accreditations, they have already managed to update and optimize the majority
of system documentation, for which I give my heartfelt thanks.
Authentication – Control and also praise
In the DNA Folder Reports, we stored periodic reports for the previous year and
the realization of the objectives of the processes that through the indicators
show how we have been successful and effective. On this site you can find in-
depth reports of internal and external assessments. All findings of the reports
are also opportunities for improvement, which we systematically arranged in the
module ACTIONS.
Informing – Fair and timely information is the key
In the DNA alongside to all of the system documentation and actions in the folder
Notifications you can also find some important notices to all employees (this
should also be mentioned that while all notices regardless of the importance or
the type are located on the company’s intranet)
And the minutes of the Trade Union and Workers’ Council. On this occasion, let
me emphasize that everyone that is informed of the new document, has a
possibility to confirm the familiarity by clicking the button “aware” (the blue sing
alert you about this).
Using DNA is also enabled to key colleagues from JHL services so that they
can find all the information in the system to work effectively with each other.
Organization – Everything in one location
In the “NAVIGATOR” you can select module Organizational structure, and for
Energetics Ljubljana you gain an insight into the current organization with all
sectors, organizational units, jobs and employees. Personally, I believe that the
Rule on systematization with all attachments (job descriptions), and information
in the module Organizational structure, are a good foundation for those who will
be working on the project of systematization.
And what else – Everything is possible
We are preparing a model for management of risks, or better opportunities. As
you best know where they occur and what impact they have. We are preparing a
model for delivering proposals, or better description of the problem and the
proposed solution. As you know best how to solve the problem before a problem
arises. However we will implement process approach in the long-term, so that to
all the knowledge is collected in one location in the DNA. According to statistics,
250 users have logged in in the DNA system. DNA is also a part of the energy that
can be always at hand. Also everybody else should try it, and I wish you beautiful
Effective quality management system in the Laboratory for heat meters
In mid-November, an assessment visit was carried out in the Laboratory for heat
meters (Department for heat distribution) by the Slovenian Accreditation. The
assessment, which takes place at least every 15 months, where the assessor has
to verify the compliance with the standards EN ISO / IEC 17020: 2012-controls
and BS EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2005-calibration under which the laboratory is
accredited. Accreditation means the confirmation of competence and confidence
in the results of the implementation of specific tasks. It is also important from
the point of view of international comparability of the results of accredited
bodies. Accreditation in the field of control of heat meters and water meters
represents a prerequisite for the appointment by a legal person with a decision
by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. The state authorizes
the laboratory, and it handles forward the tasks of the field of legal metrology.
The conclusion of the assessment visit was as follows: “We find that the
management system is effective enough, that the personnel is adequately trained
and competent for the scope of accredited calibrations and controls. The
laboratory has adequate facilities, equipment, methods and procedures for
carrying out checks and calibrations. “