Author Archives: Luka Toni

NETS elected head of the competence center for human resources development – Health and Medicine

In the tender for co-financing the establishment and operation of competence centers for human resources development for the period 2019 to 2022, NETS was selected as…

NETS is a partner in the international Connect SME Plus project

Accelerating internationalization of small and medium enterprises with growth and innovation potential Alongside other partners, NETS will aid SMEs in strengthening their cross-border…

EAT training according to the new EFQM model

In December we will have EAT (EFQM Accessor Training) according to the new EFQM model.  EAT training is to prepare participants to conduct a…

NETS day 2020

We have successfully completed the 7th NETS day Ready for the future: business excellence and systemic growth Mojca Justin and Nataša Čebulj, PARADIŽ…

EFQM Certified Assesor Transformation Training

ECAT (EFQM Certified Assesor Transformation Training) is training that allows all EFQM assessors to retain a valid license. At the end of 2020, the…