Never lose track over the progress of what has to be done and how your coworkers’ work is progressing
Every team finds a way of accomplishing their goals that works for them, which is why you can mirror your organization’s workflow in DNA. To get you started, DNA comes with a couple of best practice workflows built-in.
Staying on top of everything that needs to get done was never easier
Do you have problems effectively tracking the progress of work in your organization? Don’t have a clear overview of how all the project tasks are progressing? Do you spend too much time and effort dealing with bureaucracy while managing decisions made during meetings? Do you or your coworkers forget about agreements and assignments mentioned during meetings?
With the help of DNA, problems like this become a thing of past. You always have an up-to-date overview of progress made on assignments – there is no need to bother your coworkers just to find out how close to finishing their tasks they are.
Best practice workflows built-in
Every team finds a way of accomplishing their goals that works for them, which is why you can mirror your organization’s workflow in DNA. To get you started, DNA comes with a couple of best practice workflows built-in.
Effective and action-oriented meetings
Do you spend hour after hour in meetings? Do you carefully record minutes of meetings, only to find out nobody read them? Maybe you don’t record minutes of the meeting at all and consequently forget about agreed upon decisions?
With the help of DNA, you can forget about ineffective meetings. DNA makes it easy for you to lead effective, action-oriented meetings. Recorded minutes are concise, easily accessible, and linked to assignments and agreements.
A systematic way of managing proposals
Keeping track of useful proposals can be a challenge for any organization. Employees are usually brimming with ideas on how to improve things, but their voices aren’t getting heard? Do you have a system for collecting proposals, but are overwhelmed by the number of proposals?
In DNA the proposals can be made precisely where they matter – in processes and risks. This guarantees that a proposal is recorded where an improvement can be made and heard by people who can do something about it. The person who submitted the proposal can clearly see its status.
Who uses DNA to work more effectively?
View all projectsDo you want to find out how DNA’s task management system can help you save time and facilitate work?
Schedule a live presentation in person. We will gladly present DNA to you, with special emphasis put on how it would add value to your organization. Contact us at