The best DNA so far has been released

In April 2013, we made the best DNA so far – risks, proposals, simplified drawing. Besides all the new features we’ve done a lot of improvements that were suggested to us by you – the users.

Let us highlight just a few novelties

Overhauled search engine

Among my documents now yo see only documents that are really important for your. These are all the documents where you are the owner, co-owner, co-author or custodian and have not yet been published. You can only see those published documents you need to be or have already been acquainted with.

wasAtAMeeting Easily locate all meetings that you have attended
 prenovljenIskalnik Simply, with one-click, you can find any document, action or meeting depending on your role

Easier drawing

Drawing diagrams in Oryx has been very simplified

dragDropTask Just drag the task to the location where you want it to be
 selectTask then simply select a task from the code list. Selecting from the code list is enabled on the task, compressed subprocess, initial, intermediate and final event

(You can also enter any text, but will not be stored in the code list of tasks)

createTask If you want to add a task in the code list just press addIcon and enter its name and description
 viewTaskPropertiesOryx By simply double-clicking on a task you can view its properties


Now you can solve actions by using sub-actions which you can delegate to different people

subaction Simply create a new sub-action by clicking on the Add an action

Right click

You wish to read more meeting records at the same time? Review several actions? Open multiple documents?

openInNewTab Right-mouse click on the document, action or meeting and open it in a new tab


Manage risks! In DNA you can easily enter and manage risks

selectRisk Make a new document type risk assessment, Select the risk from the code list and define its factors
selectImpact Enter the likelihood and amount of potential impact, and instead of you the rest will be calculated by DNA.
proposalRisk Then reduce your risk with suggestions that can be given by every employee


Suggest! Improve!

Any employee can submit a suggestion – on a task, risk, or from a list of suggestions. It shall be approved by the person who is responsible for it. On the process or risks the responsible person is an administrator of the process, if the suggestion is submitted from the list of risks then the responsible person is the head of the organizational unit in which the suggestion was submitted – your boss.

newTaskProposal Add a Suggestion

(You can also submit it on a published process – just right-click on the selected task)

proposeSolution Enter the problem you see and what solutions you are suggesting
approveProposal The responsible person can approve, reject or return back to preparing for the complement, any suggestion. The suggestion may also be returned back to preparation by the suggester himself.